different colors selectable;
white, green, red, orange, blue, yellow
7mm wide and 6m long
black, red, blue, gold, silver, green, orange
larger than the original handles
black, carbon, red, blue, gold, silver, green, orange
length 119mm or 123mm
Length 119mm or 123mm
black, red, blue, green, yellow or orange
jagged texture
soft, medium or hard
length 119mm
Mounting on the handlebars
incl. safety guard
2.2 meters
Pair price
black, white, red, blue, green, orange
pair price
many colors of cover to choose
stabilizes 100% turn signal frequency
simple "plug in" assembly
four different sizes
simple cable connection
no soldering wobble necessary
For the normalization of the blinker frequency
Resistance cable 5 watts
Battery charger and maintainer
3 adapters included
Everything your battery needs
Aluminum or black selectable
Two mirrors left and right
CH road legal
Without approval
Complete set for both sides
black, blue, red, orange, green, silver and gold
for M10 mirror thread
ideal for conversion to handlebar end mirror
Various sizes available
Various colors available
foldable back armor
with adjustable belt