With slick tires, proper tire pressure is critical for maximum grip and longevity. Just a few laps at the wrong pressure can destroy expensive rubber. To ensure that not only the surface of the tires but also the rim heats up, an insulated wind stopper is helpful. If the motorcycle is not in a pit or the pit is open, the wind cools the rims strongly and the initial temperature for the air pressure is always different, depending on the track, time and temperatures. Thanks to the insulated windstop heat the complete wheels more evenly and it is easier to hit the right pressure.
Our experience shows vorallem before the first turn or from a race with slow introductory lap or standing time on the grid are the Winds Stop very suitable to warm not only the tire but the whole wheel.
There are the Wind Stop in two versions, the normal version is good enough for any hobbyist, the Nomex are again from more expensive Isoliermatterial and correspond 1:1 to those which are used in the MotoGP.
There are two wind stoppers for front and rear in the scope of delivery.