With or without additional padding
different color combination selectable
Non-slip material
protects the bike in case of falls
In pairs
Various colors available
different colors selectable
different colors selectable.
incl. nylon swingarm protector
Mounting on the handlebars
incl. safety guard
2.2 meters
specific BMW turn signal
short or long
made of carbon reinforced plastic
Pair price
black, white, red, blue, green, orange
pair price
many colors of cover to choose
LED turn signal metal
Easy mounting
four different sizes
simple cable connection
no soldering wobble necessary
Adapter cable with resistor
Battery charger and maintainer
3 adapters included
Everything your battery needs
Aluminum or black selectable
Two mirrors left and right
CH road legal
Without approval
Two mirrors left and rightnot approved
Complete set for both sides
black, blue, red, green, silver and gold